Application development, based on:
- Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux
- Programing languages: C, C++
- Scripting: Bash, Javascript
- Development editors: Microsoft Visual Studio, Code Composer, Qt Creator, Keil, Code Warrior, Eclipse
- Programming interfaces: MFC, Qt
- Microprocessors (desktop based applications): Intel x86, ARM Cortex-A
- Microcontrollers: ARM Cortex-M, , PIC, AVR
- DSP: Texas Instruments TMS320F28335, TMS320F2812
- U-boot and Linux Kernel port for an imx6 (ARM Cortex-A9) based single-board-computer
- Locomotive status display application
- Traction Control DSP firmware
- Locomotive Control Computer firmware
- Static Converter controller firmware
- GPS monitoring application: microcontroller firmware and desktop application
- Logged data analysis desktop application